Ballet Loki Bow

We’ve reached the end of the first week of Ballet Marvel. Whew, what a rush.

Tomorrow, a new character takes the stage. I can’t wait!

Costume by BeBaGo (Etsy, Facebook, Instagram)

Helm by Carol Datura Riot, the Potions Mistress (Etsy, Facebook, Instagram)


Special thanks to Tom Hiddleston (Instagram), Sophia DiMartino (Instagram), Taika Waititi (Instagram), the whole team of the Loki series (especially director Kate Herron, Instagram) for continuing this fantastic character’s story and making it easier to embrace and be open about my identity as a queer adoptee.


Loki week has been dedicated to Teatraybat (Instagram) and Briannacherrycosplay (Instagram). Thanks to both of them for inspiring me and for all the encouragement.

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