Making Ballet Gamora: From Page to Reality

The Gamora costume was another really difficult costume to figure out a ballet version of. Both of Gamora’s costumes are heavy on leather.

The first option Karolina presented me with was pretty, but not quite what I was looking for.

The tutu just didn’t strike me as very Gamora-esque. I envisioned a longer skirt, similar to the ones worn by Queen Hermione and Perdita in the Royal Ballet’s production of The Winter’s Tale.

So Karolina went back to the drawing board and designed what would become the Gamora costume:

This had the lines I was hoping for and struck me as very Gamora-like. The skirt changed slightly in the execution (the color of the underskirt is green rather than magenta and blue), but overall, it’s fairly close to the preliminary sketch.

For the helm, Carol designed something simple to be similar to the ballets I was going to talk about during Gamora week: Flight Pattern and The Statement. She designed it in the colors of Gamora’s hair: black and magenta.

We had to scour the Michael’s site to find the right shade of magenta Swarovski crystals, but we found a perfect shade.

Gamora preliminary sketch and costume by BeBaGo (EtsyFacebookInstagram)

Gamora helm sketch and helm by Carol Datura Riot (EtsyFacebookInstagram)

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