That's a wrap on Nebula week! This week was a lot of fun and I'm looking forward to the next one :) Tomorrow, a new character takes the stage. Special thanks to Karen Gillan (Instagram) and James Gunn (Instagram) for bringing this phenomenal character to life on the big screen.…
Tag: disabled and cute
Favorite Ballets: The Sleeping Beauty
[embed][/embed] In which I discuss another ballet I really enjoyed: The Royal Ballet's production of The Sleeping Beauty. Nebula costume by BeBaGo (Etsy, Facebook, Instagram) Nebula helm by Carol Datura Riot (Etsy, Facebook, Instagram) Disclaimer: I'm in no way affiliated with the Royal Ballet or Royal Opera House and are not…
Making Ballet Nebula: From Page to Reality
Nebula was one of the most difficult characters to design a ballet version of. I think Karolina and I spent the most time puzzling over how to make a ballet version of this character. Nebula's costume is pretty much all leather and, unsurprisingly, leather isn't really used in ballet costumes.…
Nebula Photoset 2
"I assure you. I'm not as easy a mark as an old man without his magic stick or a talking woodland beast" ~Nebula "[Saves Gamora] Get over it!" ~Nebula Nebula costume by BeBaGo (Etsy, Facebook, Instagram) Nebula helm by Carol Datura Riot (Etsy, Facebook, Instagram)
Favorite Dancers: Alexander Campbell
[embed][/embed] Discussing another one of my absolute favorite dancers: Alexander Campbell of the Royal Ballet Nebula Costume by BeBaGo (Etsy, Facebook, Instagram) Nebula Helm by Carol Datura Riot (Etsy, Facebook, Instagram) Disclaimer: I'm in no way affiliated with the Royal Ballet or Royal Opera House and are not driving any benefit from talking about…
Nebula Photoset 1
"You were the one who wanted to win. And I just wanted a sister! You were all I had. But you were the one who needed to win." ~Nebula "I shall help [vulnerable girls] by killing Thanos." ~Nebula Costume by BeBaGo (Etsy, Facebook, Instagram) Helm by Carol Datura Riot (Etsy,…
Introduction: Nebula
[embed][/embed] Week three, the one and only Nebula. At the risk of sounding like a broken record, Nebula is another character who means a great deal to me (she's got an adopted sibling and survived trauma). Nebula is a badass! Costume by BeBaGo (Etsy, Facebook, Instagram) Helm by Carol Datura Riot, the…
Ballet Thor Bow
We have reached the end of the 2nd week of Ballet Marvel. I'm really having a lot of fun and I hope you are too. Tomorrow, a new character takes the stage. Thor costume by BeBaGo (Etsy, Facebook, Instagram). Thor helm by Carol Datura Riot, a.k.a. Potions Mistress (Etsy, Facebook, Instagram) Special thanks to…
Favorite Ballets: Cinderella
[embed][/embed] In which I discuss a ballet I really enjoyed: Cinderella Thor costume by BeBaGo (Etsy, Facebook, Instagram) Thor Helm by Carol Datura Riot (Etsy, Facebook, Instagram) The Dutch Ballet's 2014 production of Cinderella is streaming on MarqueeTV Disclaimer: I'm in no way affiliated with the Dutch Ballet and are not driving any benefit from talking…
Making Ballet Thor: From Page to Reality
Thor was a tricky one to figure out, though definitely not the most difficult. That honor goes to next week's character. As you can see from the preliminary sketch, a few things were altered in the final piece. We took out the splashes of color for a very rich brown…